Package (deploy) project on linux


I’m on ubuntu 18.04 i7-770hq gtx 1060 16 gb ram

Just tect to compile default FPS shoter scene.

This is a result game

Compilation coking time 1.5 hours!!! Is this normal?

How to reduce packaging time?

hmm, the second time the same cooked in minutes…

html build cooked in 30 min

Yes that is fairly normal. It needs to cook all the content and depending how you have it set up it would cook all of it, including the engine content. All the consequent builds should be faster.

I am used to the full 1.5 build as I tend to build from fresh checkout every time so it does not feel atrocious to me :D.

I agree with aknarts. I also experienced that a clean build on Linux seems to take more time than on a comparable system. For our project the difference is roughly estimated an hour. The reason for this seems to be primarily the shader genereation and cross-compilation to OpenGL. For your second (incremental) build all these files are already built in cache.