After some time, like 30 minutes, spent as a host of my P2P game, the game froze and started dumping my log with the following messages
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSP2P: Attempted to get next received packet with a LocalUserId that did not validate correctly. Result=[EOS_InvalidAuth]\r\n[2023.03.05-21.30.32:802][197]LogSocketSubsystemEOS: Error: Unable to receive data result code = (EOS_InvalidAuth)\r\n[2023.03.05-21.30.32:802][197]LogNet: Warning: UIpNetDriver::TickDispatch: Socket->RecvFrom: 5 (SE_EINVAL) from EOS:::0\r\n[2023.03.05-21.30.32:802]
which flooded like 2 GB of my log.
I don’t know if game freeze is caused by this EOS warning or EOS warning is caused by the freeze (and if first, why receiving not valid local user id makes host not responsible). Before these 2 GB warnings there were lots of warnings like this:
LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Gamethread hitch waiting for resource cleanup on a UObject (SkeletalMeshComponent /Game/Maps/ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap:PersistentLevel.B_Cosmetic_SpaceMarine_C_2147236259.SkeletalMesh.Default) overwrite took 15.20ms. Fix the higher level code so that this does not happen.\r\n
LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: AbilityTask_WaitForInteractableTargets_SingleLineTrace /Engine/Transient.AbilityTask_WaitForInteractableTargets_SingleLineTrace_2147225459 NOT Supported.\r\n[2023.03.05-21.04.41:869][926]
Switching from standard print strings to the 2-GB looping error: