February 2, 2024, 12:07am
Looking for alternatives to Meta’s OVR Lipsync Plugin. Can’t use it outside of their VR Headset ecosystem so looking for similar ones. Any suggestions? Open source versions? Using the same 15 Visemes would be a huge plus.
June 24, 2024, 8:34am
Hello, have you made any progress?
I’m getting an issue when I build a lipsync file from an audio asset, UE crashes. It didn’t do this in 4.27, so my belief is that some part of OVR LipSync plugin needs to be updated. Some people were talking about it in the comments on THIS youtube video
someone there said they got it working by adding “AndroidPermission” to PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange in OVRLipSync.Build.cs
I did just that, but still getting crashes.
Anyone have any luck getting this plugin working in UE5?
i have it working in 5.4.4, live input, not pre recorded