OVR freezes whenever maps open

Hey all, similar to the following post

I’m getting precisely the same bug. It freezes for around 30 secodns whenever the map changes, including start up for play in editor in VR:

The output log logs the following:

[2020.11.12-20.27.25:328][431]LogHMD: Error: ovrp_EndFrame4 10 failed (-1006)
12/11 15:27:25.328 {!ERROR!} [Kernel:Error] OVR Error:
  Code: -1015 -- ovrError_InvalidOperation
  Description: BeginFrame called before EndFrame.
  OVRTime: 10016.267635
  Time: 2020-11-12 15:27:25 [329:191:100]

[OVRPlugin][ERROR] ovr_BeginFrame failed: BeginFrame called before EndFrame.
 (C:\cygwin\data\sandcastle\boxes\trunk-hg-ovrsource-full\Software\OculusSDK\Integrations\OVRPlugin\Main\Src\Util\CompositorCAPI.cpp:78)[OVRPlugin][ERROR] OVR Error:
  Code: -1015 -- ovrError_InvalidOperation
  Description: BeginFrame called before EndFrame.
  OVRTime: 10016.267635
  Time: 2020-11-12 15:27:25 [329:191:100]

If anyone has any ideas/ knows what I can do to diagnose, I’d really appreciate it, as I’m at a loss on what to do at this point. I’ve tried disabling steamvr, openvr in the openvr expansion, etc. But nothing seems to work.

Some additional logs if it helps:
link text