Overriding default navigation data

Hey everyone,
Is there a way to override the default navigation data? or adding another agent with different default query filter?

What I would like to have is to keep the default navigation for the path finding, but also to have another navigation data that would act for other stuff that I need.

So if the default navigation data is using the default navigation area, like dropping a cube would recreate the navigation mesh and have a “hole” around that cube, I would like to have another navigation data that when activating it ignore that cube.

I’m aware of the NavArea and NavQueryFilter objects, and to ignore that cube so it wont affect the navigation I can set the actor’s NavModifier. But what I want is a totaly different navigation data so I won’t need to set the NavModifier for each actor, and so this navigation would have another purpose without affecting the default path finding system and everything.

UNavigationSystemV1* NavSystem = UNavigationSystemV1::GetCurrent(GetWorld())
ANavigationData* NavData = NavSystem->GetDefaultNavDataInstance()

This code returns the default navigation data, the point is to get the other navigation data instead of the default one.

Is that possible?