Override C++ event in Blueprint


I have some C++ events, the code of the event is in c++, but for some specific usage i want the posibility of overiding them in BP.

I have try UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent) but doesn’t work.

so how can I have C++ code for event and add some specific code in BP depends of my usage, the C++ code for the evant will be always used

You want to use BlueprintNativeEvent when you want the native version to be called when there is no Blueprint handler

I try but not working (Not compilling)

my .cpp event :

void AUsableActor::OnBeginFocus()
	// Used by custom PostProcess to render outlines

my .h event :

	void OnBeginFocus();

this the default code for the event, I need it everywhere, even when I override the event in blueprint

have you tried adding “_Implementation” to the function name in the .CPP?:


 void OnBeginFocus();


void AUsableActor::OnBeginFocus_Implementation()
     // Used by custom PostProcess to render outlines