Overridden function's name is already used by it's parent function

There is a function I implemented in class’ C++, which are overridden in class’ Blueprint:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent, Category = "Http")
bool MOVEFunction(const float dist_x, const float dist_y, const float dist_z, const int name, const int method);


bool AHttpServer::MOVEFunction_Implementation(const float dist_x, const float dist_y, const float dist_z, const int name, const int method)
	return false;

It works, but every time I use Live Coding the overridden function in Blueprint seem to loose it’s connection to it’s original form in C++ and gets marked as error, because it uses the same name. To fix this I have to delete overridden function marked with error and override it again in Blueprint.

Is there a way to fix that? That the overridden function will not be marked as having the same name as the C++ function it was overridden from?

Hey. I was able to recreate the error somewhat. Let me know if this was the problem you were facing.

  1. Launched both Unreal Engine and VS.
  2. Added the function to C++ and compiled with live coding
  3. Override the C++ function and It worked
  4. Closed Unreal engine
  5. Open Unreal Engine
  6. Open Blueprint and function was producing the error

If this is the case, you have to build the project from C++ as some VS files for unreal engine might not be generated when using live coding. I hope that helps.

Yes, I guess I had somewhat close to it. I didn#t close and open Unreal Engine, simply ctrl+alt+f11 to Live Coding was enough to break the connection. However, I cleared and rebuilt the solution from .sln file and the error disappeared. Somehow didn’t try it myself, thanks for the advice!

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