I am setting up a character mesh with a melee weapon component (like a sword), and I’m trying to make it cause different amount of damage depending on the hit location of another character. I will experiment with motion controllers to maneuver the weapon, so it’s important that the weapon is a component of the character BP.
However the Overlap event of the weapon component (whether the weapon is a static mesh or a skeletal mesh itself), even if returning successfully the name of the hit component when hitting another skeletal mesh, always returns “None” on the Hit Bone Name field of the Sweep Result hit break.
The collision works fine for the rest, I set up collision channels and overlapping options so that the melee weapon recognizes only the mannequin and the other weapons.
I am much more interested in using the physics asset bone names for collision checks than manually re-create collision boxes or capsules in the character BP simulating what is already there (the physics assets).