Over 2Gb non-streaming textures [HELP]

What is included in non-streaming textures that that take GPU memory?

I have tried to add all textures to be streamed. There is only few textures that have never streaming set true (100mb at most), but I am getting massive (over 2Gb) non-streaming memory load. What could be causing that? Not using much substance materials (only Vehicle Pack Vol.1 and Street Barrier Substance assets from marketplace and 3 own made material from Bitmap2Material). Using only dynamic lighting with distance field shadows. Streaming 16 levels that form ~3km^2 map. Does created dynamic material instances in blueprint affect, or decal placed on map. :\

Latest project video if it gives some extra clues.

The same non-streaming load is also in empty test map. :S

If setting poolSize to 0, then it streams only the 200mb-700mb textures that should be there. So that fixes the streaming, but it adds more stutter and increase crashing. Would be great to use poolsize values again, but that unknown 2,3Gb is looking like a colossal bug to me. That data isnt even showing when using listtextures. Been figthing with this issue probably half year so any help would be very nice. :slight_smile: Cant wait to see how it looks in 4.11.

Edit. I noticed, I had product version set wrong in this tickets. Talking of course of 4.10. Not sure how I have failed to set that right.

Poolsize 2500
Materials stream very bad (since the unknown 2,3Gb).
Playtest start always smooth.
No stutter when turning camera.
Distance field shadows stay smooth.
No usually crashes’ when stopping play session.

Poolsize 4000-6000
Materials stream without issue.
Playtest start smooth only first time, after that FPS is locked to very poor.
Distance field shadows suddently start to cause heavy FPS drops after editor have been open for some time.
Crashing* often we when stopping play session.

Poolsize 0
Materials stream without issue.
Playtest start always smooth.
Much stutter when turning camera but FPS is good under that.
Distance field shadows suddently start to cause heavy FPS drops after editor have been open for some time.
Crashing* often we when stopping play session.

*Editor freezes so only option is ctrl+alt+delete

Comp: i7 5820K, 32Gt DDR2400, GTX780 (3Gb), X99-A, Win10 64bit, latest drivers. Project have around 70Gb content.