OUYA Support now available for Unreal Engine 4

You will need an active subscription access to deploy to the OUYA as they have a modifed version of Unreal 4 source code that you need to download.

I am going to give this a shot.

The OUYA Fork of UE4 is now accessible and here’s the new OUYA documentation.

(18:19) - Tim: UE4 on OUYA, Unreal Editor, and Blueprints

Looks interesting, but the repo appears not to exist anymore? I’m logged in correctly and have access to Epic’s repo but can’t find the OUYA fork anywhere here: OUYA · GitHub

Did you click this link?

Just curious :slight_smile:

I sure did, and got a 404 error from github so backed it up to OUYA · GitHub to look for the repo.

I checked I’m logged in with my same github account that has unreal engine access too :slight_smile:

Interesting well this is the right link:

Are you sure you are logged into github and your account links to the same github account?

Here’s the wiki section on that.

Your github profile should list EpicGames as an Organization:

I think its a permissions issue. If I log out of github then I get github’s 404 error on both of these links:


If I log in to get hub then the EpicGames link works but the ouya one still shows 404.

EpicGames IS listed as an organization on my profile.

You can email me at tgraupmann@ouya.tv to get access to the UE4 team which gives access to the repository.

Send an email to tgraupmann@ouya.tv to get access to the UE4 Developer Team. In the email, please provide a link to your Github account to grant access if you belong to the EpicGames Organization.

I had to fork on a personal account so that UE4 subscribers automatically have access. The new fork is located here:

Which now includes support for in-app-purchases and OUYA-Everywhere input.

Be sure to check out the docs and examples:

So is this dead

Ouya itself is pretty much dead from what I’ve heard, not just this plugin.

Alive and kicking. UE 4.7 is running on Forge TV. I have a couple issues that I’m working through to survive the 4.8 upgrade.

And you no longer have to email me to get access to the source. Now that UE4 is free, you just need to register an account and link to your github account to get access to my branches.

You can follow this document for updating your OUYA games to get publishing on the Forge TV.

You can find the details about the acquisition here.

UE4 is now supported on Forge TV.

You’ll want to use the 4.7-OUYA branch.

UE4 is supported on Forge TV and the OUYA console.

You can now use the 4.9-OUYA branch.

Is this still being supported? Is there any possibility of a plugin to speed the process up?

Ouya has died July 2015.

Actually, I still support it. And in the new version I made it as a plugin. That means that it’ll work in the retail version. Although I have to work out the details on how to package it with the Android bits (for the retail Unreal Editor version).

A plugin would be great!