I have some scene image data from an external source and I’d like to draw it to the viewport somehow.
Where would I start looking? The Slate Viewport class, the RHI, or what?
Going by the high level rendering order I want the scene to generate most of the supporting data but then cut in before it passes anything to the GPU. I’m tracing back through from the D3D11 class but a hint would be welcome!
So I’ve found SceneRenderer and ForwardShadingRenderer. Makes sense to me to copy ForwardShadingRenderer and implement my own method in order to achieve this, since I want to disable existing buffers and simply return a new one.
I’m a little new to C++ so I’m not sure how to progress from here. Should I work my way back through the code until I find something I can use as a hook? I can’t just re-declare the methods I want to alter, right? Someone told me there was a way in UE now to override engine code - does that mean re-implementing entire branches of it in my plugin?