Outliner inconsistency between blueprint and scene editor.

hi I made this video to explain visually the problem I am trying to fix.
Sorry I can’t upload it here because it is longer than what unreal allows, so I put it in youtube

It seems that in the scene editor it is possible to manipulate an instance of a blueprint,
but it is not possible to edit it procedurally while in the blueprint editor.

The code that I use to add children to a components is this bellow.

	AActor* const actor = staticComponent->GetOwner();
	ndArray<ndHullOutput*>& hullArray = convexHullSet.m_ouputHulls;
	for (ndInt32 i = hullArray.GetCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
		UNewtonCollisionConvexHull* const childConvex = Cast<UNewtonCollisionConvexHull>(actor->AddComponentByClass(UNewtonCollisionConvexHull::StaticClass(), false, FTransform(), true));
		actor->FinishAddComponent(childConvex, false, FTransform());
		childConvex->AttachToComponent(staticComponent, FAttachmentTransformRules::KeepRelativeTransform);

		const ndHullOutput* const convexHull = hullArray[i];

Initially this was not showing the children added shapes in the scene editor eiether,
but after lots of debugging, I discovered that this was because the editor has to be refreshed,
this is because if the user does any other editor operation, like switching to another editor,
or edit a different actor and them coming back to the actor, then the outliner shows the complete hierarchy.
after doing some investigation, I found out that the code bellow refresh the scene editor.

FLevelEditorModule& levelEditor = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FLevelEditorModule>("LevelEditor");

so I figured that something similar could be done for the blueprint outliner, but after days, and days of research, I come out with nothing.

please, If any one has any idea how to fix this, It will be appreciated.

Also, it is not only that the children component do not show up in the blueprint’s outliner,
somehow after adding the children component procedurally, the entire blueprint model gets locked, maybe corrupted in a way that Unreal can still read it, but that not action other than deleting it is possible.
In fact this is an improvement in the beginning this, it simply ruined the entire level, to the point that it could not be load it again.
Obviously I am doing something wrong, or missing something, wrong be I have not idea what could be.

In summary my question is, how to correctly add a child component in blue print procedurally in C++?

thank you.

al right, maybe the video was to hard to follow.
I made a much simpler one that shows the reproduction of this behavior.

This seems a rather common problem anyone making a C++ plugin, would eventually come across.
At some point it will have to set some variable in C++.

I am hoping some one has an answer to this situation.
At least acknowledge the question and provide whatever answer is available.
Even a no that’s not possible, is better than living the user in limbo.
