Outline effect in 4.18

I have been following Tom Looman’s outline effect tutorial to try to achieve an outline around an object and cannot get it to work. I have followed it on previous releases and it worked fine. Did something change in 4.18 that I need to adjust? I know the Post Process Materials in the PostProcessVolume moved around, so I think I am still placing my material in the right location.

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ive never tried this with post processing effects, but you can achieve the same thing by using the fresnel effect in the emissive color of the material Using Fresnel in your Materials | Unreal Engine Documentation

I believe that only gives an outline inside the mesh, and does not work with rough edges.

I’ve just tested it and it does work on even latest build (master 4.21). So no changes need to be made.

You have to make sure your meshes have Render Custom Depth enabled. And in case of using instance material, make sure master is properly referenced inside it.
