I open up editor, create a new project, select any c++ project, and engine automatically opens Xcode, since I use Mac OS X. However, no matter which project/scheme I build, it just says “build failed” for a variety of different reasons. I assume one I need to focus on is Shell Script Invocation Error: Command /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.0/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Mac/RocketBuild.sh failed with exit code 1 when I build ProjectEditor, but I also get an “Engine.h file not found” when building other projects. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: When I try to open project in editor, a message box pulls up saying “game module ‘Project’ could not be found. Please ensure that this module exists and that it is compiled.”
Edit 2: Yes, I tried updating to 10.9.2. problem still occurs.
fact that you have 10.9.1, not 10.9.2 should not have anything to do with compile errors, but I strongly recommend updating. 10.9.2 has much better OpenGL drivers, including a bug fix for ARB_texture_buffer_object extension which was causing driver to randomly crash…
I’ve ran into this as well. It seems that header search paths aren’t setup correctly to find Unreal’s runtime which includes all of headers you need, causing Xcode to fail in finding Engine.h. However, even if you’ve fixed that you’ll still run into problems trying to compile such as needing to include intermediate directory. Even after you’ve done that, you’ll still run into issues such as following error when building UE4XcodeHelper.app:
/Users/Shared/UnrealEngine/4.0/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/GameFramework/Actor.h:1179:10: Use of undeclared identifier ‘bHiddenEd’
I already made some fixes to this last week, so it should be much better once we release 4.1. But I’ll look into releasing a QFE with these fixes, so you don’t have to wait too long. I’ll keep you posted.
Which project/build scheme are you using? Try Editor - Mac => My Mac, then Project → Build For → Profiling. That works for me on 10.9.2 with XCode 5.1.