Orthographic camera not displaying Sprites in correct order

Hi there,

I am currently working on 2D Endless Runner game in Unreal. I am using an Orthographic camera.

When I play the game my obstacle sprites appear behind my platform sprites, when based on their Y value, they should be appearing in front.

Here’s what it looks like in game:


The crate’s Y pos is 100 while the platform’s Y is 0.

When I pause the game and eject myself, this is how it looks, as it should:


Any ideas how to fix this?


I was able to find someone else with the same problem and they solved it by doing this:

Settings > Project Settings > Engine > Rendering > Translucency > Translucency Sort policy > “Sort Along Axis”

This worked for me as well!

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Thank you!!! It was so annoying and I couldn’t find a way to fix it.

thank you so much!!!

Thank you so much, you really are the only one that has proposed this solution (a simple tickbox that resolve hours of trouble…)

Thank you so much, you really are the only one that has proposed this solution (a simple tickbox that resolve hours of trouble…)

I should mention, as such was the case for me, that sometimes the option “Sort by projection Z” works better. So if this solution does not work, make sure to try out this option too.