Orthographic camera jitter bug in windows builds

The orthographic camera was working well for my projects in 5.3, but after upgrading them to 5.4, every one of them exhibits the bug in the attached video. Everything is working in the editor, but any windows build is basically unplayable because of this bug. Is this a known issue, or is there any known workaround?

Seizure warning for the video below!

This is a recording of the 3rd person template, with the camera converted to orthographic, in 5.4.2


Also seeing this in 5.4.2 with a side-view orthographic camera :frowning:


Also have this problem in my Isometric Project! :confused:

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Yep, my students are also experiencing some similar jitters as soon as their character moves (the camera moves) in a 5.4.2 project with an Orthographic Camera Setup.


I have the same glitches in my project. Maybe I will do a downgrade of the engine, hoping this bug will be fixed in the meantime.


I got the same problem in my new isometric game using 5.4.2 and I can’t change for another Unreal version cause I’m using different things available in 5.4 only. I’m stuck here and I hope we’ll be able to resolve the problem soon.


I hope this issue it will be fixed asap. I would like to use the 5.4.2 version, but this bug makes the games unplayable.

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I’ve just reported this bug by the Unreal Bug Submission form (https://unrealbugsubmissions.epicgames.com/s/?language=en_US&token=ArWm4MY4CmUeDmDHXRGxSi6aE1UpPj72PSQQ), because I’ve not found any logged issue about this problem (Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (Search Results)).

I hope I will receive a message from Epic Games team, but if someone knows a workaround for this bug please let us know.

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Thank you DarioGangi for sending in the bug report, I thought I was going crazy as I don’t any errors and the problems started after update to 5.4.

Issue is exactly the same and at first I thought it was collision issues but I also see issues with Widget sorting as well as the camera itself.

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FYI: this issue is still present in the UE 5.4.3 version. This version was released a few days ago, but we have to wait for a newest version to have a definitive to this bug.

Hi, apologies for the lack of update on this, I just came accross this thread, is this issue still persisting? I’m afraid I looked through our bug reports and couldn’t find the report you mentioned, but I’m happy to take a look/fix this issue. Unfortunately missed the cutoff for 5.4 at this point but will ensure this is fixed for 5.5.

In the meantime, (I hope I’m correct) this might be caused by TSR/TAA, so if you do have this issue for now please disable the temporal AA setting for another setting and see if that resolves the issue. At the moment I don’t have repro steps/it’s not occuring on my end so I’m not clear as to why this has suddenly started happening again. If anyone can provide repro steps please let me know and I will fix this asap.

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Hello @Jon.Cain, thank you for your reply.
The issue is present in version 5.4.3, but I have not tested version 5.4.4 yet.
I’m going to try the new version, disable TSR/TAA, and I will let you know if the issue is still present in the latest version of UE5.

Hello there @Jon.Cain, I’ve just verified the bug is still present in the 5.4.4 version of Unreal Engine.
Here you are the repro steps for this issue:

  1. Create a new project from the Third Person template.

  2. Open the Camera Component from the blueprint class of the pawn (BP_ThirdPersonCharacter) and set the Projection Mode to Ortographic.

  3. [Optional Step] Note the game shows correctly in Unreal Editor mode (both in PIE mode and Standalone mode).
    YouTube video: Unreal Editor mode

  4. Create a Windows build of the project.
    I’ve used these commands:

call Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT BuildCookRun -project="S:\platform_test_legion\ThirdPerson\ThirdPerson.uproject" -noP4 -platform=win64 -clientconfig=Test -serverconfig=Test -build -skipcook 

call Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT BuildCookRun -project=S:\platform_test_legion\ThirdPerson\ThirdPerson.uproject -noP4 -platform=Win64 -clientconfig=Test -serverconfig=Test -cook -maps=AllMaps -compile -stage -pak -archive -archivedirectory=s:\_Test\ThirdPerson\Test_WindowsNoEditor
  1. Note the camera in Windows build is broken.
    YouTube video: Windows build

I suspect that these changes are the cause of the problem: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/95031b1f34018825cd4b92a59370b8aada120071 https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/0fc02b06c63e072599b4bfc9813da30445b236bf?diff=split&w=0

However, I have not yet verified this bug is due to this changes.

I’m still having the jitter bug similar to the video in the OP rather than the one in Dario’s video (maybe a different bug?), using a side-view ortho camera, FXAA, forward shading, no TSR, etc.

Works fine in editor viewport, PIE window, standalone PIE, but not packaged shipping builds. I was able to sidestep this for testing since development builds were fine but today it started happening in shipping builds. Not sure what’s going on, I’ll walk back my build/source control history and see if I can track it down. Haven’t been able to make repro steps yet. I’ll update if I figure anything out.

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Anyway I’m pretty sure the origin of the issue in my video and the jitter bug of the video in the OP is the same.

@DarioGangi Just tried following your steps – I was able to repro the jittering issue similar to the one in OP using 5.4.2 so I think you’re right, we are all on the same page.

Doing more investigation into both the third person sample and my own 2D project, I found that disabling “Do Collision Test” on the spring arm component gets rid of the issue! Not ideal but at least for my case I am fine disabling this since I don’t rely on the spring arm component very much.

Very strangely, the issue is present even if there isn’t a camera component – in my 2D game, the camera exists on a separate actor blueprint. But if I simply add a spring arm component to my player character (without any camera or anything attached/referencing it) I start to get the jittering in packaged builds. @Jon.Cain maybe this is a place to investigate?

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Even after disabling “Do Collision Test” on the spring arm attached to the pawn in UE5.4.4, the issue persists. I’m referring to the Third Person template project.

Turning off Do Collision Test solved it for the most part but it came up again with a charge attack that had a niagara particle system. As soon as the player starts charging the attack, the jitter would start, and it would stop when the attack finishes. Changing the emitters from CPU to GPUCompute with fixed bounds fixed it!

Unfortunately this is not a fix, but a workaround.
@Jon.Cain have you any news about a real fix?