Origin Rebasing Changes Landscape Collision

I have a fairly large landscape, and since it seems to be the way that if the player is 5 km away from the origin, weird things occur with physics, i thought i’d try and use Origin Rebasing. Now If I enable this, and start to run my third person character up a slope, depending on the angle of the slope and which direction it is facing, depends on how the collision works. It is entirely possible to have the character running while immersed up to its neck in landscape. Without Origin Rebasing turned on, running up the same bit of landscape hasn’t got any issues.

How can I correct the collision of the landscape with Origin Rebasing turned on?


Rebasing should work fine with landscapes. How you actually enable rebasing? Usually for quick checks you can use SetWorldOrigin command in game console to rebase world origin to your current character position. Could you run to some slope and then use that command and check if collisions are fine? If the still seem broken would it be possible to have your map with landscape, so we can repro it here?

I have done more investigation. My terrain has come from world machine and imported via Import Tiled Landscape, but it seems that the collision on the imported terrain is the problem, not the Origin Rebasing as I have exhaustively tested with and without this feature turned on (via the World Settings when the level is open).

As such I shall go scour the UE4 forums to see if there is a solution for collision on imported terrains, since having my character up to his neck in the terrain is far from satisfactory.