I’m trying to get a camera to orbit around an object that I right-click and drag on. I don’t want the camera to move to that point or anything, just change the camera’s pivot point to be at the mouse cursor’s world position, so as i drag, the camera orbits/translates around that object, keeping it always in view as I rotate. Try orbiting in http://earth.google.com using middle-mouse drag. Try dragging from the edge of the screen and you’ll see what I’m trying to recreate.
I have something kind of working, but it’s very buggy. If I look anywhere before I start my orbit, the camera will snap to a different location, and when I release, the camera snaps to another different location. I just need guidance on how to properly offset the camera’s pivot point, in my blueprint, i’m really not doing that well, and struggling to figure out how to get what I want.
No one knows or even has any suggestions?
Hi Dotcommer,
Good question, although I don’t have a specific answer, this does remind me of a livestream. It looks like the project files are still hosted, so at very least this could possibly show another way of handling orbits/rotations.
I could have some suggestion but one thing bothers me…
You wanna orbit around an object but not move camera away from your Character, so that means the starting point is where the camera is at the moment of your LMB click, right?
There may be a few approaches on that one depending on how it should work
Thanks, I’ll take a look.
Hey there, didn’t get a nofitication that people had responded, hence the late reply.
I’m trying to orbit around a point beneath the mouse cursor. So if I were to start my orbit from the far left edge of the screen, whatever is beneath the cursor would stay in focus as the camera rotates/translates around that point. It’s the same as if you took a cube’s anchor and placed it far away somewhere then trying to rotate that cube with its new anchor point, it would dramatically move/rotate around that anchor point. This is the same principle in http://earth.google.com (middle-mouse drag away from the center of the screen and you’ll see what i’m trying to do).