There was an incredible option in UE4 to duplicate animation blueprints and change their animations. This was extremely useful for blueprints that wanted to share logic but their skeleton was extremely different.
Does anyone have any information on this?
I can;t believe it would just be removed in UE5 for no reason without anyone saying anything about this.
This feature saved me hours in my work flow it cant just disappear?
In the new system you setup an IK Retargeter. Then you can duplicate. It requires that additional step but it’s way better. There are also new ways of doing things where you don’t have to duplicate animations, and different skeletons can share the same animbp.
Unfortunately both answers by hailstef and by Astaraa are wrong and are misleading. They are answering a different question with skeletons that are similar and nature and perhaps are different in a few joints or sizes.
The question states the problem and discusses skeletons that are EXTREMELY different. (i.e. There is no retargeting of any joints or chains between a bumble bee, a dinosaur, and a motorcycle mech robot)
In previous versions of Unreal Engine (4.x) there was a feature that let you create new animation blueprint (including all their blendspaces) automatically with just specifying what their interchangable animations were (BY NAME!). As shown in the pictures.
Does this feature exist in Unreal Engine 5? If so can anyone explain how to do this?
For anyone still looking for an answer to this the question remains open.
Almost 4 weeks since original post.
Does anyone know if there is ANY information on this? Maybe epic? At least share?
Is this at least planned for 5.3?
Is this officially gone for good?
Is there a new best practice when needing to use similar animation blueprints but with animations that cannot be retargeted?
Do we have to replace ALL the blendspaces and ALL the animations one by one? Anyone? Anything? Please?
I know this post is a few months old now, but I was just searching for this exact problem and found no one seems to know how to do it. After a little trial and error I finally worked it out.
To do this it’s best to make a master anim BP first that all others will derive from. Once you have this, right click on it and select “Create Child Anim Blueprint with Skeleton” and select the original skeleton as it’s probably the only one in the list, but we will change that next.
Now open the new child AnimBP and click on Class Settings. In the details panel under Advanced you can find Target Skeleton which can now be changed to any skeleton in the project.
Once that has been changed, compile and save and the preview character should update to a broken version of itself because it’s using the old animations for the wrong skeleton. If this doesn’t update, close the window and reopen it.
You can now use the Asset Override editor, which is a panel next to details. If it’s missing, open it from Window->Asset Override Editor.
In the override editor, you can now go through the animGraph and find all the animation states and change them to animations that use the new skeleton.
From here, any changes you make to the master anim BP will also update all your children anim BP’s so you can easily make changes to all of them.
I don’t know, if it is still relevant, but I have found the way, how to retarget animation blueprint in 5.4 - it is not obvious, but it is also included into the new retargeting tool.
Maybe the order may be easier, but I will tell the way I did it:
you import your fbx skeleton into the project;
find the defaul animation blueprint (ABP_Manny), right click on it and choose “retarget animations” option on the top;
choose your imported skeleton for “target”, tick “autogenerate retargeter” below;
maybe you can skip this and the following points, but for some reason it worked for me only this way - click button below “export retargeted assets” and choose the folder for them;
go back to the ABP_Manny, right click again and “retarget” again;
choose your desired skeleton again, but this time untick “auto generate” and choose the previously created retargeter;
next in list of assets below click on “ABP_Manny” and next click on “export animations” button;
choose the folder - and that’s it, you get your retargeted animation blueprint (don’t forget to rename it, it will be called "ABP_Manny as well)
I am not able to login via desktop for some reason right now, so can’t include screenshots, but this worked prefectly in my project. Hope this helps!
Wow talk about poor responses, how can anyone get anything done with this community. all answers are irrelevant to question. cant anyone give the correct answer. Hate unreal community
Lucky you, in UE 5.5 anytime i select ABP_Manny and try to do retargeting, it is always missing the ABP_Manny itself to be chosen for export animations… It always misses it in the asset window where you choose animations to export…
exactly in ue5.4 and 5.5 is missing animation bluprint. if animation bluprint is simple then it is, but if complex (alsv4), then it missing. looks that ue downgrading…
So I need chose or simple other animation bluprint or manualy edit it and change every animation aset in bluprint with generatet new animations of 100 animations…
And then i upgrade from ue5.4 to 5.5 one control rig of one asset not give compile game and bluprint not showing any errors. I waste 2-3 days, then found why i cant compile game… I try delete control rig and create new, but same, so this asset not using control rig…
I now retargeted succesfuly animation blueprint. I just use not needed animbluprint but other. I click on ThirdPerson_animBP, who is imported from ue4 and then I see all animation bluprints. And i choosse needed. Then choosing retargeter. After retargeting human flying in air and look nonsecence. so I restart ue 5.5 and after restart animations look properly. I tryed one more time with other anim bp. Retarget, looks wery not sence, restart, looks most animations good, but some have problems. I fixed this isues in anim bp…
And in character bluprint disable mesh collision or create and use proper physic asset if you need ragdol…
In the retargeter, set the source skeleton and target;
Export the retargets;
Search for the template of the source ABP in the list (of course, the original ABP won’t be there);
Click on export animations;
RESULT: A retargeted ABP (rename it as needed, since it will also be called that way), along with all the animations that reference to this ABP.