
I’m guessing either option here is probably about the same… but just wanted to see if there is a cost/optimization efficiency for using events in an interface versus casting and grabbing what you need. As an example, each tick I run an update stats even in my character for health, stamina, etc. The HUD variables are binded to a “Get Stats” even that pulls those stats. Would it be more efficent to simply cast to the character and get what I need, or is running an event through an interface best?


Update Stats runs on event tick

Get stats is run by the HUD

It would be better if you changed the hud to be event driven.
No need for tick or binding variables in the widget.

Have a reference to your hud in your character and call functions like updateHealth(value) or updateMana(value) only when changes occur (you take damage or cast a spell or regen occurs).

Same for stats.