OpenXR VR template On Component Begin Overlap with motion controller

I’m new pretty new to UnreaI so this might be me just not knowing anything, but I have a video that I want to be set to be played once a motion controller presses a button, but I can’t seem to find anywhere how to reference the motion controllers to link to the begin overlap event. I’ve tried anything I could find but nothing seems to work.

Have you been able to find this, I’m currently wondering the same thing. The grab implementation does a sphere trace for objects and on the first object it hits of type “PhysicsBody” it marks as held and attaches it to the controller based on grab settings. rather than triggering colliders

Nothing so far, at this point I just made it so if anything collides with the button it triggers the event, since there aren’t a lot of moving parts in my scene it doesn’t make that much of a difference, although later on I will need to get the targeted interaction working.