Is there a possibility that we get a relieble smooth UI solution / example project for VR (PC and standalone)? Something that takes care of UI quality, specially text, in the line of applying the optimization advices given in this Meta article, but in an Unreal-straightforward easy way?
That would mean a solution to the current problems or/and an example of the desired solution, in the template or in an example project
At the moment the 3D/VR UI problems me and other users have found are:
- When using Stereo Layers in standlalone (Quest2), stereo layer transparency does not work if we activate “supports depth”, giving black backgrounds to stereo layers.
- Also stereo layer texts show aliasing in standalone VR (not in PCVR). (This one I have not confirmed with other users, though).
- If we don’t use stereo layers (which would be the ideal scenario, due to it’s limited number of allowed instances), we can’t use 3D widgets which make use mipmaps, using blueprints, wich makes them useless in many situations, due to aliasing. A checkbox for that would be great.
More debate of these issues can be found in this post.
I think it would be great if we had a good example project (integrated in the VR template or not) for cases of intensive use of VR-UI in UE (specially if while doing so, some of the aforementioned issues could be adreessed).