openXR template teleport problem

I am making some development in UE4.27.2 using the openXR template for the Oculus Quest 2 headset.
When teleporting with a grabbed object, everithing works fine; but if there is another object inside the grabbed one (contained by physics), the objects inside is not teleported and keeps behind.
As an example, if a box contains a ball, and I grab the box, and teleport, the ball does not teleport with the box.

Could you give me some advice to fix this problem?

Thanks a lot!

Hi @jmarco2000

Good question, the teleport function only considers the pawn and components that are attached to the pawn. (Like things that you grab)

So I’d try attaching the ball to the box (just for a moment before/during teleport) so it’s considered part of the pawns hierarchy. Then detaching once destination is reached.

I am giving this a try!