OpenXR support in UE5.3.2 for Android Headsets. Worked on UE5.1.1. Doesn't in UE5.3.2.

UE 5.1.1 VR Template will build and run on Vive/Meta headset using UE5.1.1. This line is in the AndroidManifest.xml:

   <category android:name="org.khronos.openxr.intent.category.IMMERSIVE_HMD" />

Opening the UE5.1.1 VR Template in UE5.3.2 (updating Vive/Meta OpenXR plugin) builds but doesn’t run on the headset. The above line is not in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

Using an UE5.3.2 VR Template builds but doesn’t run on the headset. The above line is not in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

This is the case on two different computers. UE5.1.1 template runs, UE5.3.2 doesn’t. I’ve spent 3 plus weeks on this issue.

The HTC rep said he got this running in UE5.3.2 on his computer. He sent me his project but it doesn’t work. Tried on 2 computers. Builds fine, won’t run on the headset.

Any advice?

After a ton of effort and investigation, I have solved this.

In UE5.3.2, I needed to add an empty C++ class to turn the project into a C++ project. Once I did this, OpenXR gets included in the APK and I can launch in the Headset.

This wasn’t the case for UE5.1.1.

I hope this helps.