openVDB is moving around on its own on UE5.3 (transform forcibly recognized as a identity matrix)

GIF 2023-10-04 오후 6-05-41

I was trying to get openVDB to work in UE5.3 by looking at various resources.
I was able to understand everything else, but I had one fairly big problem, hence the question.

I was working with pyro in houdini, converting it to vdb and importing it into ue after exporting. But as you can see in the gif, this volume was moving on its own, it looked like it was moving every time the bounding box got bigger.

After hours of trying to figure out why, I realized that this behavior coincided with the timing of the transform matrix value of intrinsic on a volume created in houdini.

When I forced this value to identity matrix in houdini, I was able to see the same behavior I was seeing in UE5.3.

So far, my theory is that the vdb I exported from houdini doesn’t recognize or ignores the transform matrix in UE5.3 for some reason.

All the tutorials I’ve seen dealt with openVDB in c4d, so that’s where I started thinking about how to fix this.

GIF 2023-10-05 오후 12-17-07

As expected, exporting the simulated pyro with the bounding box fully fixed in Houdini did not cause any problems. This also has no change in the intrinsic transform.

GIF 2023-10-05 오후 1-55-03

If there is a change in the bounding box, this problem occurs again. (In this case, the information of the intrinsic transform is changing every frame.)
