OpenGL Intel integrated graphics card

Running a packaged project on a device with an integrated Intel graphics card in OpenGL mode can cause the failed assertion:

Assertion failed: GRHIVendorId != 0 [File: ... \Source\Runtime\RHI\Private\RHI.cpp][Line: 402]

Detected this issue while testing the engine on a Surface 3 running Windows 10.

Created suggested fix in the following pull request: [][1]

Changes: If graphics card vendor name is recognized as “Intel” only, and not “Intel …”, vendor ID is still assigned.

Hey ,

Thank you very for providing us with this information. I looked through and I see that there is a bug created for this assertion failure. UE-22630 is currently on our ‘To Do’ list and it’s unresolved at this time. It’s set at a priority 3. I have included your information from this post as a suggested fix.

If you have any further questions, please let us know. Have a great day!