Open world RPG

This looks super awesome :smiley:

Thanks for all the feedback!

Here is something we are working on at the moment and planning to bring to you soon :slight_smile:

Awesome screens!! :smiley: Great job!

Thats no real workspace XD thats so unrealistic and too clean. Its a set up.
Here you go a real hard working area:

Thanks for all the comments and feedback as always much appreciated! :smiley:

@Kanizitas I envy the presence of Pringles within development workspace’s reach :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

The real question is how long that hamburger has been there… and why is he eating it with a fork? But… that may end up thread hijacking your awesome work @DonMorti!

Good looking environments! I don’t mind the sword-through-enemy so much. A little sound and some splatter would make it perfect. It’s the “no contact yet does damage” kind of cases that really bugs me :slight_smile:

Also, the text in the trailers was a bit too slow and fragmented. Just write everything you need to say in a single slide and show it for two seconds, then cut to the game. Your goal is presumably not to attempt to dazzle with the pacing of white-text-on-black.

Again: The environments looked extra great! Now let’s hope the gameplay is interesting! (Not “Spatial rift … end of the world … chosen soul … save us all … YAWN!” but perhaps something much less melodramatic than that?)

o.o that hamburger was there maybe a little time XD And i was totally finished with it. No hate against burgers in my space!

@Kazinitas healthy beverage choice at least (unless that’s vodka or something) :stuck_out_tongue:

@Jwatte thanks for the crits and feedback. We are certainly aiming for a much deeper story than good vs evil , chosen ones and other cool but also overdone fantasy cliches.

@Ironbelly, thanks! I have a contact of mine who might be needing your services btw, if you could PM me with some contact info we can get into a more detailed discussion about that :slight_smile:

Some cool envis, keep up the nice work, gg :wink:

Anyone interested in any…dragons maybe? :stuck_out_tongue: Happy #screenshotsaturday & big kudos to Eric Wilkinson, you have seen his awesome work before in the “Ragnosaur” :wink:

Also if you happen to be in Florida next Friday, do pass by CybertronPC’s booth, you will be able to check out an awesome “The SoulKeeper” VR demo we have prepared!

Looks awesome!

And some more dragon related images

For the terrains you see in these images, we used “Infinite Affordable Landscapes” by Pixel Perfect Polygons. :slight_smile:

Awesome art style, with an incredible dragon.

Wow! I wish i had a team like this :confused: Amazing work! Keep it up!

And here is trailer to our first VR Demo (will be available for Download on 12/22/15 :slight_smile: ) :

And here is the link to the actual VR Demo:

Happy Holidays to everyone! :slight_smile:
