I have asked this question on a couple of different forums and either I get no response or the person answering my question does not fully understand my question. So I apologize in advance if my knowledge is lacking to describe my current problem. I will try my best!
I have made a 40km x 40km landscape for an open world project I am working on. I am using world partition and it is all one single landscape that I put together in Houdini. I have about ~12 different biomes currently on the map. Each have multiple layers (base, sediment, rock, etc) that I have created with masks in Houdini. These different layers have been put into an auto-material I created. The layers are working great! The map looks great!
Now to the issue I found. I love the grass type feature where you can procedurally generate foliage onto these layers. Initially, I had at least 1 grass type for each layer. I also added some extra grass types to a layer using some randomized noise which really made the landscapes look great! Once I hit over 18 grass types I realized that my grasses were no longer showing up. Looking into this, a landscape material is hard-coded to only allow 18 grass types. I could go into a shader file and change it, but that defeats the purpose of an auto-material in my opinion.
I cannot find another solution on the internet or tutorials. I did read a suggestion of stitching each biome together in UE, each having its own landscape material. From what I can tell, stitching pieces are in block and my biomes would not line up. Any creative or obvious solutions to this problem? I am enjoying trying to make my world look beautiful, realistic, and optimized and this hard limit is ruining my ability to add dynamic, procedural ground foliage.
Thank you!