Open level error using delay

Hello there. I ‘m trying to load a new level after my AIs’ death. The problem is the delay. If i connect to delay, the camera fades out and then goes in again and the game level continues without enemies. Without delay it’s working fine but i want the camera fade. with or without sequence it 's the same thing.(1st screenshot)
I did the same thing for my character’s death and is working fine!!! (2nd screenshot)
Any thoughts?

anyway i dont mind about camera fade. but i mind about a level counter i made so it loads the correct map.

If your AI is being destroyed, you can’t run any nodes with latency, like delays, because the system is trying to delete the actor.

It would be better to control the camera fade and delay before loading from somewhere else, possible level BP.

Thanks for your answer. any idea where should i pin all these on lvl bp? cause in begin play it doesnt work cause it 's after some seconds, on begin overlap i need to spawn an actor then it works

and on event tick i lose the camera fade

You know you could not destroy the AI. Just hide it and disable its collision. Then the Open Level node will fire.

Event tick fires every frame so the camera fade keeps resetting before it can finish.

Thanks for your answer man. keep up the good work