Open Level doesn't work in standalone game

I have a level that leads to another level using the open level node in the level blueprint. It opens the level properly when I press play in the editor, but it doesn’t work when I launch game in a standalone window. When in standalone mode, it simply puts me back at the beginning of the level I started in. It doesn’t crash, so i don’t have a crash report to submit, it just loads the wrong level.

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Hi, I’m with the same error, show me how you did

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking with that, but here’s my level blueprint. I don’t think it should help too much because it works in the editor, but here it is anyway. And if you want to suggest a better way to put a loading screen and open a level at the same time… this is just what i could come up with myself.

Hi ,

Try running a cast to MyCharacter check after the “on begin overlap”, then run “open level” directly afterward, does this load your level?

Sorry, I’m rather new with Unreal Engine and i’m not quite sure what you meant by that. I put together what I got from it, but that just leaves the loading screen up indefinitely. I assume this is because the next level would need something to remove it. Here’s what I did, I’m not sure if it’s what you meant though

Use the “other actor” node in place of the “player character” node. What you want to test is if the actor that overlaps is the player character, which is what the cast node is for. Otherwise that is what I meant.

That didn’t seem to work either. It still works in the editor, but not the standalone game. Is the standalone version what the game will be once it’s done, or just another version of the editor game? If it’s not the real game, then I can try saving it as an .exe or however you save an Unreal game (This is my first game, and i haven’t gotten to that step before). And sorry for the delay in response, this is a school project, and I forgot to take a copy home to work on.

I tried to upload the updated blueprint, but I kept getting an “Error parsing the uploaded file”, so i’ll just explain what I did. I removed the “Get Player Character”, and instead lead the “Other Actor” from “OnActorBeginOverlap” to “Cast to MyCharacter”. Then I added a delay in between “Cast to MyCharacter” to “Open Level”. I tried with and without the delay, and it gave the same results.

Do you have a project that is experiencing this error that you would be comfortable with sharing? I’d be more than happy to take a look and see what is going on.

I would be happy to share the project, but I don’t know how. If you could please tell me how, I’d love to do it. And sorry in advance for the mess. This is the project where I learned to code, so there’s probably some stuff in there that either doesn’t make sense, or doesn’t lead anywhere. And there’s lots of unused props, half of which crash the engine when you try to apply a material to them.

You can upload the . of your project to a dedicated FTP server. Specifically, I highly recommend dropbox as it is very easy to use and share data with and it is free to use (you can, however, get increased data storage through their paid subscription, but that isn’t required and they sometimes run specials to give you free additional storage). You can find more information about the specifics of using Dropbox here:

Once you upload the file to dropbox, if you right click on the file and press the “share link” button, you can paste that link here or private message it to me in the forums and I’ll be able to go and access the files.

Hi ,

I attempted your project on my end and all of your levels loaded once the trigger volume was hit in standalone game. What steps are you taking that reproduce this on your end?

It may just be a Mac problem then. I’m running OSX Version 10.9.5 with a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5, and 8 GB DDR3. I have many more of the same systems here at school I can test the problem with, and I’ll test the problem at home on my Windows computer to see if it works there. Thanks for the help.

I tried at home, and it still loaded the same level. Are you sure it was loading a different level when you were testing? They all look the exact same except that the second and third level are marked with a cube and sphere respectively at the beginning of the hallways.

I am certain, that was what I looked for upon each level load and in each instance a new object spawned in that location (nothing, cube, sphere, end level). Here are the steps I am taking, please tell me if there is anything that I should be adding/doing differently:

  1. Open Project
  2. Switch Play mode to Standalone Game
  3. Press Play
  4. Once game loads, run to the end of the hallway

At this point a loading screen appears and I start on the next level, which has a silver cube on the left side of the screen. If I repeat the process the third level has a sphere that appears in the same spot as the cube, and finally the end room appears for the fourth area.

Okay, I didn’t know there was a drop down menu for the play button, using standalone game through that works. I was using the launch button next to play. What does the launch button do?

Anyway, thanks for all the help. I really appreciate you working with me for so long on the issue.

Hi ,

Thank you for the updated information, I was able to reproduce this using the Launch button and have entered a bug report, UE-9733 to be assessed by the development staff. The Launch button is primarily used to launch the game to specific devices such as Android or iOS devices. It will actually cook your project to show you how the game will act after cooking as opposed to simply how it will appear on the device before cooking (as you would see with mobile preview or standalone game).

Launch cooks the current level (and its sub levels), it’s meant as a quick preview of the level on a device, it’s not meant to make a full playable game where you would switch between levels. If you want that, you would use the File | Package option.

The log would tell you it was unable to load the secondary map that wasn’t cooked, but I realize it’s not so easy to see if you aren’t used to looking at the logs :slight_smile:

Hey ,
has this bug been fixed?
I have a similiar problem where levels are only added to the world in the PIE, but not in the standalone.