Opacity softness

Hello everybody,

I’m having an opacity map in my diffuse alpha, it has a soft fall off from white to black but in engine all I get is a really hard fall off.
Like if you’ve been making a road you’d have a smooth fade. How can I achieve this?



Opacity will just check whether a pixel is transparent or not. You cannot have a 50% transparent pixel. To do so you need to use a translucent material.

With Tanslucent my textures look white.

Edit: Restarting the editor compiled it again and its working alright now though the only issue being:


Tanslucent :

Notice the luminosity issue.
I could just brighten the texture now but is that normal to go this way?
Also it doesn’t take roughness into account.

Translucency has some limitation, mostly with reflection, that’s probably why it looks darker. You can try to change Translucency Lighting Mode to TLM Surface in your material and see if it helps.
It’s also rather ressource demanding, I wouldn’t use it for such a road.

Noticed a large performance impact. I can get away with having a hard transition with some work around to make it look good but generally I think this should be improved in the future.

Thank you for the response Sebvhe.