Only spawn one VIVE controller


My game only needs one VR controller, I cannot seem to make unreal only spawn a single controller. Even if I remove all reference to the RIGHT controller from the motion controller example, you need to turn on both controllers for the LEFT controller to spawn.

Is there a way to make the first controller turned on the LEFT controller. Without having to turn the other controller on?


So if you edit the MotionControllerPawn in the standard VR template and disconnect the execution pin from the second Sequence, in the part that spawns the RIGHT motion controller/RIGHT hand, it doesn’t work as expected?

Are you sure the controller you are turning on is the left or right controller only, i.e are you not spawning the right controller but actually turning on the right controller?

The other solution could be to just let them both be turned on and spawned, then hide the one that you are not using? Possibly check the tracking state of the controller and not set it visibile if it is not found, otherwise show the controller.

Then it shouldn’t matter which controller you actually have turned on.

Sorted it, whatever controller I turn on first, unreal calls the “Right Controller”. I disabled the left from the VR template and hooked up my game to work singly with the right controller. Now as I turn on and off the controllers one at a time they are assigned as the right controller.

Sorted it, whatever controller I turn on first, unreal calls the “Right Controller”. I disabled the left from the VR template and hooked up my game to work singly with the right controller. Now as I turn on and off the controllers one at a time they are assigned as the right controller.

When the left controller is turned on, they get reassigned to the steam VR left and right.