Only post items that are already available on the Marketplace. Should this change?

I just want the people who frequent the Marketplace forums to have a conversation on the matter. Is there something wrong with that? At this point that is literally the only thing I want.

That is a great halway point between what users here seem to want/need. Thanks for the quick moderation! :slight_smile:

As we have been cleaning up the Marketplace thread, I have noticed how much cleaner it is and how easier it is to find items. This is ultimately what Epic wants to achieve.

On a side note CheapModeler, Epic have clearly stated:

But my issue isn’t with the moderators. It’s with the rule. Why is it so difficult to distinguish between the two? The moderators become irrelevant to the discussion because they’re not the ones who have the leeway to handle this or set the rules for the forums. They can obviously give their input like the rest of us to figure out what the rules should be. But acting like this is personal is not what this is.

Furthermore if you delete 45% of anything, the remaining 55% will be easy to find. That’s true of anything. Cupboard spaces. Closets. Glove boxes. Marketplace Forums. I don’t say that with disrespect. Just find it hard to believe that you would make that a talking point of any kind. I could say the opposite in return and say the WIP thread is now harder to find things in. It’s circular logic.

For the seventh time what is wrong with letting the community comment on this in the Marketplace forum where this topic would get full visibility from the people who frequent it most often? If Epic just doesn’t want the input, they should straight up say they don’t want the input. At least then we know where they stand. But the lack of consistency in leaving this first feedback thread that I ALSO MADE: The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums in the marketplace and moving THIS feedback thread out is what leaves me most puzzled.

This thread was moved to Feedback for Epic as it is Feedback for Epic and although it relates to the Marketplace it is not a Marketplace item post.

The other thread you have pointed out has now also been moved to Feedback for Epic.

The moderators are human, threads fall through the cracks, we are sorry we are not these super-human individuals who have some innate ability to magically make all the threads appear in the right locations. I personally am trying my best to do my day job and moderate these forums and handling all the tasks required to do so … once again I apologise if I don’t always get it right the first time.

We rectify the threads as we find them, Epic has made a call on why the threads need to be moved and we are moving them. We appreciate your help in pointing out threads that need to be moved.

If I’m not mistaken it was Jon Jones & Epic who stickied that thread in the Marketplace forum.

Did you get the okay from Epic to move it? And why would it be stickied by Epic in the first place if it was in the wrong place? And why was Epic posting in that thread for FIVE MONTHS if the thread wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place?

Are you aware Jon Jones posted in that thread no less than five hours ago? Why would he have stickied the thread if it didn’t belong in the Marketplace forum?

Calm down please … thread has been moved back. This was an oversight on my part and everything is back to normal. Geesh.

I’m also for the Marketplace section only being for released projects, much cleaner.
No preference between having a separate ‘marketplace WIP/gauging interest’ sub forum or having a special tag in the current WIP section.

Having only released projects (with the products EXACT name as thread title) could make things much cleaner in the long run, one thread per product/package that has information about the final released product and the usual feedback stuff sounds good to me as someone coming from the perspective of a buyer.

For the eighth time what is wrong with letting the community comment on this in the Marketplace forum where this topic would get full visibility from the people who frequent it most often?

If Epic just doesn’t want the input, they should straight up say they don’t want the input. At least then we know where they stand. But the lack of consistency in leaving this first feedback thread that I ALSO MADE: The Unreal Marketplace Improvement and Feedback Thread - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums in the marketplace and moving THIS feedback thread out is what leaves me most puzzled.

Honestly seeing how that first thread I made was a useful tool for dialog, this thread should be MOVED back.


just my few cents here too.

First, everyone here needs to calm down. This applies to mods too that are starting to move threads that shouldnt be moved, at least from my pov.

  1. Questions by potential customers or discussions about released stuff
    So, what about threads like this one:
    Shouldnt stuff like that stay in the marketplace forum, since it is about existing, released packages that someone wants feedback to? I mean, people that may answer this question will most probably look inside the marketplace forum, and not in general discussion or elsewhere.

  2. WIP Marketplace assets
    So, the actual reason for the rule in discussion is that the marketplace forum should stay a bit cleaner, without having so many WIP threads.
    On the other hand its important for sellers to get feedback about WIP stuff as soon as possible. Now the marketplace forum is cleaner, but the Marketplace WIP threads are much more difficult to find since they are now mixed with the “normal” WIP threads.
    This actually makes it neccessary to have a marketplace sub-forum with WIP things, where no other WIP threads should be started but for marketplace assets, and that solution would make sense for both the mods/Epic and the sellers.


Hi, things are being discussed to clear things up. This is obviously an area that needs attention, and it is receiving it, I promise you. However, there are people who are away for various reasons, which is holding things up.

I happen to agree with your opinion that WIP is for help and advice in learning the craft, not for Marketplace submissions, however, as a stop-gap, it has been decided that is where WIP projects of all kinds will be kept for the near future. (I must admit, I appreciate anything that encourages people to explore different parts of the forum.) The most important thing is that Marketplace has become unreasonably cluttered, and making it workable as soon as possible is Epic’s priority. Other people’s income depends on it, not just their’s.

I’m sorry that you feel that you are not being allowed to discuss things in the “correct” sub-forum, but things will hopefully sort themselves out very soon.

Wait a second,

There were “WIP Content Packs” and “SUBMITTED Content Packs” threads in “MARKETPLACE” forum. BOTH are related to Marketplace only with the difference one is submitted and the other one will be submitted soon and there was Prefixes for each which did a very good job.

Now there is WIP forum containing threads regarding WIP assets, WIP games, WIP scenes, WIP tools AND WIP marketplace content packs, etc.

Maybe you should have left the marketplace forum alone in the first place and started from the WIP forum instead. Maybe Marketplace has got cleaner now with having only submitted threads in it but on the other hand there’s even more chaos in the WIP forum now and developers are definitely going to lose attention and cannot get many “Buyers” in their content pack threads to get feedback or incorporate their ideas.

If people were visiting Marketplace forum and looking between 2 kind of threads to find what they want now the few of them who visit WIP forum have to look between 5-6 kind of threads to find the ones they want. And so they don’t.

I am very confused why one does not simply create two sub forums for the marketplace forum.

You are correct, they DID do a good job, but now they are drowning each other out, so changes had to be made.

Also correct. Not ideal, but better than having an over-crowded Marketplace forum. As I have already said, this is not a long-term solution.

Also correct. However, when they are approved by Epic, these projects will get publicised on the Unreal streams, Epic launcher, Marketplace and Marketplace forum. The WIP is tempararily going to go high-traffic, but Epic have decided that this is better than having an over-crowded Marketplace forum.

Once certain people become available, this may well be what happens.

I had to play my own game of thrones by showing how Qdelpeche, who PUBLICLY apologized last night before deleting his apology and my post referring to that public apology, would move stuff around without thought or context.

The issue is that one moderator has publicly decided to move the pieces around without any sense of context and is being given irregardless support from Epic instead of being dealt with. This includes everyone’s threads that have been moved to the WIP forum, the sticky thread that he had to move back when I pointed out that it was stickied by Jon Jones himself, and THIS thread, which should be moved back to the Marketplace forum.

There are at least a **dozen ** if not more threads that have to deal with the consequences of this one moderator’s actions and so it can’t be dealt privately through PMs. This is a public issue now. When a moderator makes multiple bad calls Epic needs to step up and deal with it instead of blindly supporting every move one moderator makes. If the move last night ended up needing an apology from Qdelpeche, then why shouldn’t moving this thread as well? They’re both more or less community dialog threads. They’re NOT feedback for Epic threads.

The issue of consistency is at stake. If Thread A, which deals with dialog and feedback centering on Marketplace content was stickied in the Marketplace forum, then why isn’t Thread B, which focuses on the content of that Marketplace forum, also not allowed in that very same forum?

Literally the only person who felt that wasn’t the case was Qdelpeche and now it seems no one on the moderation team and no one on the Epic staff wants to step on his toes EVEN if the behavior is inconsistent with the precedence of the forums by the Epic Staff. To put it as simply as I can: I don’t understand what high-level dialog needs to take place between the higher-ups. What is wrong with the community discussing it?

Because ONE moderator unilaterally decided to move threads about and set off a tsunami of policy actions, that the rest of the moderators and the whole Epic staff needs to have a sit-down about whether allowing community dialog, which already happens, should be allowed in the forum where they already allow it? I don’t understand why we need a dozen people responsible for a multi-million dollar multinational company discussing to allow one discussion thread back where it belong. Just be consistent and move this thread back and let the community talk it over. You don’t need to make a huge deal about it. You just need to let the people talk it over.