Hi there!
I’ve used UE for a while so know the basic concepts of BPs but I’ve just started learning about multiplayer and replication, and I wondered what I’m doing very wrong here.
My simple setup:
- Custom player controller for moving an RTS-like camera
- Custom pawn, made up of a sphere, spring arm and a camera
The result:
- The bottom window is the server and controls the right sphere
- The middle window controls the left sphere but it doesn’t move on the other screens
- The top window controls the right sphere as well, but doesn’t use it’s camera
And getting a lot of errors like:
Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None
trying to read property
from function:
‘ExecuteUbergraph_GameplayPC’ from
node: SetActorLocation in graph:
EventGraph in object: GameplayPC with
description: Accessed None trying to read property
So this is probably the result of some very basic concept I haven’t wrapped my head around yet, but I can’t seem to figure this out. Something about possession? Are they all trying to be player 1? My end goal is online multiplayer if that makes any difference.
Thanks for any help!