Online Subsystem Steam documentation question

im trying to integrate steam into my project to add steam achievements. I’ve followed the Online Subsystem Steam documentation

Online Subsystem Steam Interface in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community | Epic Developer Community

right up until the Steam App ID section. I’ve got a steam app ID. The documentation suggests it needs to be in a text file somewhere but is frustratingly vague on the subject. Has anybody else figured this out?

I know your not supposed to solve with a link but here is the solution:

FULL TUTORIAL to add SIMPLE and PROGRESSIVE steam achievements in UE5 with BLUEPRINTS WITHOUT any paid plugins. - Programming & Scripting / Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

To confirm you do not need to place the steam_appid.txt file anywhere, ever. In the linked tutorial they were kinda right kinda wrong. yes you need to include .txt file into the packaged product at the prescribed location but ONLY FOR TESTING do not include it in the package you upload to steam. I don’t know why but steam documentation says not to.

p.s. I’ve read for testing to work in a packaged product it needs to be a development build and not a shipping build. This was the case for me, you mileage may vary

p.p.s unreal engine 5.4.4 seems to default to steamworksSDK version 1.57. I could only get my project to work with steam when using that specific version of the sdk in my engine files. The unreal engine documentation seems to suggest you can use a newer version, but, for me, poppycock

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