Online subsystem find sessions of other game but not mine.

Hello, I’m trying to join a session I just created, the simplified function where it blocks, simplified for lisibility :

void UW_Menu::OnFindSessions(const TArray<FOnlineSessionSearchResult>& SessionResults, bool bWasSuccessful)
       if(bWasSuccessful && SessionResults.Num() > 0)
        FString SessionFound_MatchType;       
        for(auto Result : SessionResults)
            Result.Session.SessionSettings.Get(FName("MatchType"), SessionFound_MatchType);
            if (SessionFound_MatchType == MatchType)
         AddOnScreenDebugMessage("No match type corresponding");

I always reach “No match type corresponding” and indeed, sessions I found have no match type.

I tried in local and remote networks.
All importants settings have been done.

    LastSessionSettings = MakeShareable(new FOnlineSessionSettings());
        LastSessionSettings->bIsLANMatch = null;
        LastSessionSettings->NumPublicConnections = _NumPublicConnections;
        LastSessionSettings->bAllowJoinInProgress = true;
        LastSessionSettings->bAllowJoinViaPresence = true;
        LastSessionSettings->bShouldAdvertise = true;
        LastSessionSettings->bUsesPresence = true;
        LastSessionSettings->bUseLobbiesIfAvailable = true;
        LastSessionSettings->Set(FName("MatchType"), _MatchType, EOnlineDataAdvertisementType::ViaOnlineServiceAndPing);
        LastSessionSettings->BuildUniqueId = 1;

Any idea ?
Also I don’t know why it finds so many sessions. These sessions seems to belong to the game Chained Together, I can even see their passwords ?!!


Hi, I don’t see any special issues with your code, we also had so many problems when using temp SteamAppID - 480. Similar to your that we have seen other sessions, sometimes could sometimes couldn’t find our session. Or people could connect only if they are close to each other (like cities that are nearby), but it didn’t work across the country.

I think this 480 app id is used too widely and is not working properly in many cases. For us creating our own project on Steam (and paying $100) solved all those weird sessions issues.

I would suggest you testing following workflow:

  1. change [OnlineSubsystemSteam] bEnabled=true to bEnabled=false
  2. then you can test your logic by launching local instances of your game, just right-click .uproject file and press Launch Game. Create session like this and launch another instance to see if you can join

If everything works correctly I would suggest just spending $100 to get your unique SteamID and this should solve such weird session issues.