Online Services (V2) with Lyra project

I’m trying to experiment with the Online Services interface with the Lyra project, but it keeps crashing on LocalPlayer->GetPlayerNickname() because the UserId referenced by OnlineIdentityNull interface is empty

Is there a way to get Online Services working? My goal is to host and join a lobby using the Lobby interface, but the GetPlayerNickname depends on the V1 Identity interface in the Unreal code.

Anyone know what to do? Crash happens on trying to spawn the actor


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Just hit this myself. It looks like one option is to subclass ULocalPlayer and override GetNickname or SpawnPlayActor but I’m curious as to why there is still this hard-coded dependency on v1 UniqueNetIds - or indeed on UOnlineEngineInterface which seems to be part of the ‘old’ system.

EDIT: A related problem exists in AGameModeBase::PreLogin, which wants to validate the ID via UOnlineEngineInterface::IsCompatibleUniqueNetId.

It seems there are a few things that require overrides in order to get v2 to work, but which you probably only hit as soon as you start sending non-empty NetIds to the server, hence why they don’t feature in the existing documentation.