Online Services Plugins creating session returns [1.1.9] invalid_params


I am trying to host a game joinable by another user by using the Online Services Plugins. I started here :

Structure and Implement the Online Services Plugins in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community (
Setup and Configure the Online Services Plugins in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community (

I managed to successfully login by doing :

UE::Online::FAuthLogin::Params params;
params.CredentialsType = UE::Online::LoginCredentialsType::AccountPortal;
auto result = authInterface->Login(std::move(params));

Which then gives me a AccountId. I also get the name of the user with the UserInfo interface, which does work.
I use the AccountId to use to create a session like so:

UE::Online::FCreateSession::Params params;
params.SessionName = "crazysessionnamehere";
params.LocalAccountId = AccountInfo.AccountId;
params.SessionSettings.NumMaxConnections = 4;


This unfortunately instantly returns “[1.1.9] invalid_params” error, which I access by doing result.GetErrorValue().GetLogString()

I also get this warning during the login sequence:

LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSPresence: FPresenceClient::GetTargetPlatformTypePrivate - Local Player State Not Found!
LogEOSSDK: Warning: LogEOSRTC: FRTCClient::GetTargetPlatformTypePrivate: Unable to find local user 000...16f

Anyone has an idea?

Is there any actual sample project that is directly using the plugin? Since the sample projects I have found are directly using the EOS SDK which is different.


I figured it out.

Turns out setting the parameter “SchemaName” is 100% required.

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