I’ve been attempting to create a method for character double jumping for a few days now and I’ve reached a point where I frustratingly have to give up on it unless there are better built-in CharacterMovement component methods because of the way the server seems to have control priority.
I’ve tried setting it up to change movement mode to to falling and then push the character up with velocity while the jump button was held up to a max height based on the initial jump location, which could allow for double jumping as well as jumping after falling-but it seemed that the server was forcing the CharacterMovement component to return to WalkMode immediately when jumping on the client, because the server character was still on the ground.
I’ve tried setting the character up to launch, but again it seems the server is taking priority of the CharacterMovement position and not allowing the characters on clients/not the listen server to launch.
And I can’t disable the CharacterMovement component on the server to stop it taking control, because it then stops synchronizing the position of the character (It must use the CharacterMovement component rather than just the natural position/rotation of the character for replication, so disabling it stops that completely).
So now I’m stuck with the base jump action of the CharacterMovement component, which I discovered won’t even allow me to jump mid-air after walking/falling off an object.
Has anyone discovered a method for double jumping with a CharacterMovement component? I’d greatly appreciate any help with this as otherwise my only resolution will require removing the CharacterMovement component and building all of it’s functionality from scratch which will take an extensive amount of time just because I want a good jump for the character.