Ongoing Tutorial Series Regarding Game Dev and Integrating Marketplace Assets

All tutorials are on a hiatus (break) this week due to my having to to stay late at the school every day this week. Tutorials will resume next week on Monday!

The videos for this week (both Monday and Wednesdays) will be posted on Saturday back-to-back. My PC had become corrupted and needed a full software reinstall. I didn’t have time to start doing it until Tuesday night, but then suffered the loss of a close friend (the second in a month) and was not up to working on it. I will be finishing the rebuild Saturday AM and then I can start encoding the uploads.

My apologies for the added delay.

Thanks for all these awesome tutorials, they’ve helped me a lot! Take your time getting things sorted out. Looking forward to your future videos.

In this series, we are building a Top-Down Shooter in Unreal Engine 4 using blueprints and other Epic and third-party add-ons available through the Unreal Marketplace. In this session,we update out aiming to work in 3D space and start a 3D reticle.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The video speaks to a bug (on my part) in multiplayer related to aiming. While aiming in 3D space works for single player and the server in a multiplayer game, it does not work for the client and I haven’t figured out why yet. Additionally, while I show the basics of how to set up a 3D reticle, I do not work it all the way through to a full implementation as I don’t intent upon using a 3D reticle for the rest of the tutorial. However, I will be posting a fix for the multiplayer client aiming as son as I figure it out, and a standalone video for 3D reticles.

In this series, we are building a Top-Down Shooter in Unreal Engine 4 using blueprints and other Epic and third-party add-ons available through the Unreal Marketplace. In this session,we update our aiming to work correctly in multiplayer clients.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The fix in this video is only 95%. There is a vector problem (I think) that I haven’t solved, and I am posting the video anyway to ask for your help! Take a look and see if you can figure out what I am overlooking!

A big update on the plan for between now and January!

Kicking the return of videos off right, thanks to a fix for our Top Down Multiplayer Shooter firing when aiming issue. A big thank you to Mark Cinco for finding the fix while I was dealing with offline stuff!