Ongoing C++ Gameplay Example Series: Making a Survival Game

Hi! Incredible tutorial!!!

About the picking object management, I can see that there are two ray traces one to highlight the object under the cursor in the character class, the second to pickup the object in the carry object component. Wouldn’t it be better to use only one ray trace and the pass the focused object to the carry object component pickup function?

Kind regards and thanks in advance!!!

Hi Turtle,

Yeah that would be more efficient indeed!

Thanks a lot for this, ! What a reference project to learn from!

Any you extend this to a dedicated server version where you can save and load player progress (on logout/login) something like dayz ? That would be even more :slight_smile:
A little problem I have with the latest version is the cursor not showing up in a packaged project.

Amazing job, really really appreciate it. This is my main source for learning networking in UE4 with C++ and I bet for many others as well!

Hi IceDealer,

I am no longer extending the project further beyond keeping it up to date with the new engine releases unfortunately. I like the idea though, perhaps something separate in the future…

Hey all just got into UE4 not long ago so I’m still a complete newb. I’m now messing with C++ and first off I wanted to give a big thanks to ! Lots of stuff I can learn and I’ve been looking at the more basic things I can understand and its all great. I was wondering tho I’ve been trying to get the AI to wander. Now in the Behavior Tree, they are stuck on Wait and once I’m in site it switches to Has Sensed Enemy.

I’ve tried looking through everything in I know how to get to but I can’t figure out how to get them to wander. I’m currently using Windows 10, on UE4 4.12.5 and downloaded the zip straight from github. If this is simple a point in the right direction would be if its more complicated then by all means tell me to stop being lazy lol thanks all and thanks again for this great example!

Hi Nazban,

To make the bots wander you need to add some SBotWaypoint actors into the level. You can set the Zombie pawn to BotType = Patrolling (Already set by default) so it will pick random waypoints all over the map to wander to.

After I build and package the game, I don’t get a mouse cursor on the main menu screen when I run it. I can only move down the list of options using the <tab> key.

If I tab down to the i.p. address box and start entering text, the mouse cursor appears and works fine. The cursor also does not appear when using the <esc> key to bring up the quit menu in-game.

Is this behavior normal? Does anyone have any suggestions?

Yes, the cursor is not showing up. Also the bots are not wandering around altough waypoints are in the level and bots are set to patrolling. Any ideas why this is not working ? :slight_smile:

Hi ,
I have a question, in the ASWeapon::HandleFiring(), I see CanReload() as argument for if statements, I am not sure why there is a /* Reload after firing last round */ block, as far as the logic gos, the block under it will never run. is that right?

Hey ,
I got another question:D, I am investigating how the equiping and unequiping weapon works, I can see how the equip works, but I haven’t found anywhere in the code that does the attach the unequiped weapon to the storage slot part, in the OnUnequip, all I can see is stop animation and stuff, it is like magic, am I missing anything?

@ : Hello! I created a new level, and zombie ai doesn’t attach me, but i walking before zombie. What is the problem? Please help!

Hi There I Was Wondering About Ur Project Its Really Cool And But How do i open it ? i mean do i have to get ue4.12 from github first then go compile the thing ? [i always get that error from .dll .sll is missing its impossiable to freakin solve it ] Or is there a way to download it and open it normally ???

ANoob9001 - The project seems to have been recently updated to work with a standard install of UE 4.13.

Go to the github project page, make sure that the branch is selected and hit the ‘Clone or Download’ button to save as a zip file. My copy opens and runs fine in UE 4.13, albeit with a few warnings :).

Hey, I got another question, in the Widget_MessageStream, you have a variable called MessageTextBlock, apparently it is the MessageTextBlock under [Canvas Panel], how did you convert a text widget into a variable? I try to add one myself, but I cannot get it to be the one I added in the Canvas Panel :(, I got so frustrated…

There is a Variable checkbox near the details panel in the Designer view of UMG when you select the component you want to expose as a variable.

So amazing! Even as a game designer I’ll learn a bit C++ soon enough and will have alook at this series for sure!


Man that’s

Hi mans! How to merge the RPG Inventory System from the marketplace?

Would i be able to implement a Blueprint chat system into this?

Member is inaccessable error.

I’m getting this error in visual studio.
For these three lines it says ‘member is inaccessable.’
I decompiled the USpringArmComponent and those variables are now private.
What can I do to fix or replace it.

CameraBoomComp->SocketOffset = FVector(0, 35, 0);
CameraBoomComp->TargetOffset = FVector(0, 0, 55);
CameraBoomComp->bUsePawnControlRotation = true;

Any help is appreciated as I’m trying to learn unreal.
