One Eye Only (Right) When Hit Play But VR Mode Works With Both Eyes Normally

I am using Post Processing Volumetric Fog effects in my scene, but when I apply the material to the post processing and hit play, I only get a one eye view. I have tried with Instancing on and off, and what does work is the VR mode.

When I go into VR Mode for editing, the view works normally with both eyes, but then I only get a right eye view when I hit Play. The left eye will just be totally black.

I am new to Unreal and maybe missing something basic, but can’t seem to find why this is happening.

I am using an Oculus Rift.

Welcome ,

This is a known issue with 4.24 Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-85935)

Hey , any idea if this is going to be hotfixed in 4.24?
Our projects relies heavily on post process materials in VR and is completely broken now,
4.23 also had other issues so we can’t easily go back.

Hello Chris,

It’s hard to say, since this is a regression, the priority is very high + The issue has been assigned to an engineer. (both of those are good signs)

After the issue is fixed you’ll be able to view the fix CL, so worst-case you’d be able to apply the fix to a source-build of the engine and compile.

Thanks , we’ll keep an eye on it