OnComponentHit (with Mesh) on GeometryCollectionComponent don't work

For my test I use the thirdperson template.
I add a simple cube, which I use Fracture to turn it into a geometrycollectioncomponent.
I’m trying to detect a hit with the mesh (not the capsule) on it. of course my physicsasset and mesh generate hits events.

Result, a hit is detected (using a simple print string with “hello”), but if I try to read the value of the actor or component the value that is returned is empty (but not null), and so impossible to cast or otherwise.

The problem concerns only the geometrycollection, no pb with other components. Also, the same thing with the capsule component works, it’s really a detection problem between the charactermesh and the geometrycollectioncomponent.

The same test on UE5EA works, so this is an issue with the final version of UE5.