OnCOmponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic not showing as part of the class


Sorry I’m not sure if this has been asked before I keep on looking through the web but unable to find the answer. My question is when I’m using OnComponentBeginOverlap.AddDynamic or OnComponentEndOverlap.AddDynamic the word AddDynamic does not seem to show up as if it is not a part of the class of OnComponentBeginOverlap. I’m not sure if I’m missing something in the code. I’m using UE4 4.7.3 and on the screenshot is how I did the code. Thanks in advance and sorry for the noob question

AddDynamic is macro on generated file so InteliSence might indeed act wierd

Aww I see. So once I build and run. It will still work?

Edit: Yes I checked it and it is working Thanks so much