I’m trying to create a material change sequence of events in VR. I have the second part working where I can click on a widget button and change an objects materials, But I’m trying to make it so when you click on the object the widget appears.
I have the widget attached invisibly to my player pawn, in theory it will change visibility when an object is clicked on.
As I said, I can get the controller to click on buttons but I’m trying something as simple as printing a string when an object is clicked on, but it’s not responding to my static object.
I’ve tried everything I can think of and other peoples posts on the internet. I’ve made sure there’s a collision on the object. I’ve changed the Input>Auto Receive Input to Player 0 in the blueprints. Nothing seems to be working.
If it helps, I have a red pointer debug coming off the controllers and when they hover over the widget a ball appears on the end (i’m guessing to show it’s hitting it) but there is no ball on my static mesh.