On Overlap Event problem with my static mesh

I have an object the shape of a torus. The torus wraps around my level. It has an on component overlap event in it. My problem is is that the on overlap event triggers when my charcter is in the middle of the torus even though this is empty space. how do i make it so that this doesnt happen?

as you can see, when im inside the torus, I know the On Overlap event is triggering because my mana bar is full and I have that sphere infront of me.

Double check the torus collision. Go inside the static mesh (double click it) and check the collision. It could be by default convex (no holes).
You may need to regenerate it to be concave or use a custom collision mesh.

These are my settings for it.

You can also import custom collision with the model UXC_nameOfObject (look at UCX_[RenderMeshName]_##)