There is a Trigger Box in the Level (for multiplayer game).
What I want is for the OnActorBeginOverlap operation to work only for the person entering that box. But this works for all players.
Can anyone help? (RunOwningClient didn’t work)
There is a Trigger Box in the Level (for multiplayer game).
What I want is for the OnActorBeginOverlap operation to work only for the person entering that box. But this works for all players.
Can anyone help? (RunOwningClient didn’t work)
Print string will be executed on every client…including server.
You need to isolate with local role, remote role, locally controlled etc.
As a test you can get the player id via player state and pass that to the print.
Cast → As 0 base 1 → get player state → get player ID
Format text |Triggered by: ({PlayerID})| → Print String