Сollision blocks the appearance of the effect

Hi all!
Can a collision block the appearance of an VFX? Could theoretically a misplaced collision block more than one effect from being shown?

My example
I use Third person kit for my game prototype. I create car model with a lot of materials.
For each material i assign physic material with impact vfx.
When I shoot at this car, there is only one effect (for example, the metal effect) even if I shoot at the glass. If I divide the model into glasses and a body, then each surface has its own effect. Metal for metal and glass for glass.

I’m researching this issue but can’t find a solution.

Hey @androleocez! A collision could in theory block visibility of VFX, other meshes, well anything actually! Collision Filtering - Unreal Engine

That said it’s dependent on exactly you wanted to show the damage effects. I usually recommend decals for this sort of thing, but if it’s metal and you want deformation that’d be definitely a bit different.

Hope this helps!