OculusXR Passthrough Layer

Hi! Same problem. Can you share the project settings ? Thank you.

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To me the most simple implementation of the Passthrough functionality, namely having the Passthrough layer as scene reproduced passthrough works both in Overlay and Underlay.

Has anybody tried th surface-projected passthrough? When I try, it simply does not work. I have added geometry to the passthrough layer as described by the Meta docs, but the passthrough rendition does not appear over the mesh.
Any experience?

I’m assuming that by surface-projected you mean the user defined (docs and code don’t match). For user defined, if you add it to the layer and are not seeing it work, then I suspect it is the following: open your static mesh, and make sure “Allow CPUAccess” is enabled.

I’m really disappointed with this method though. It really does behave as “surface projected”, and not as “user defined” which is what I wanted. The passthrough seen through my “surface projected” geometry is not as stable as reconstructed, and induces nausea.

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Yes, allowing CPU access does it!

Hi ,

I have tried using OculusPassthrough Layer in VR Pawn Blueprint and used the required settings but i have no success in it .

Can you please help how did you manage to switch between passthrough abd VR mode.

Thanks in Advance.

oh man, its been such a long time by now i actually have forgotten everything about it, sorry.

Hey Thanks for the reply.

I have figured it out and its working properly in Quest 2 and Quest 3.
The only thing that am facing right now is anything that remains in my level is also visible in passthrough its like my level is in ar mode.
Tried different things to hide the level but didnt found any optimal way to do it.It would great help if you have any idea how to hide the level while in passthrough