[Oculus] VR Rotation During Matinee Sequence?


So, I’ve been tasked (at work) in figuring out how to enable VR rotation during a matinee sequence. I’ve tried. I’ve gotten close, but I’m missing something. I’m wondering if someone already knows the solution to this. The purpose is to be able to look around (with VR rotation) while gong through a matinee sequence. Figure an example to be like going through a rollercoaster experience; you’re locked in position, but you are able to look around. Has anyone figured this out?

The closest I’ve gotten is being able to get that VR rotation during a matinee sequence (with camera cuts), but the VR rotation isn’t full. Instead, I get a super-subtle jerk in the direction I want to look in, followed by me locking back to the original direction of the camera. I just know I’m missing something, for sure.

Anyway, any solutions or ideas, let me know! And thanks, in advance!

i’m really trying to figure this out as well. it seems like it shouldn’t be so hard but it really is! there is a rollercoaster plugin i’ve found, that maybe you already know about: ://developer.oculusvr.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=8032

however, that doesn’t allow you to look around to much. you’re sort of fixed to looking at the track.

i hope we can figure this out soon! i also have a post about it here: ://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/58315/how-to-animate-camera-but-still-look-around.html#comment-58315-form

Following these steps solved it, now I can look around with Oculus during a Matinee sequence:


Hope it helps.